Networking with DEMONITOR – Incoming activity to BEL: BSc. student Bruno Šuvalić from Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

At the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade during my one month CEEPUS exchange I attended geotechnical monitoring, GIS and petrography lectures. I participated in a field lecture that consisted of scanning slopes with LIDAR near Topčider and in a field lecture where I used inclinometer in wells on Dedinje. I was also shown the procedures for processing collected data form the field. During petrography lectures I was shown a part of university’s collection of samples of rock types some of which were from notable places in Serbia. I’m glad that I had time to experience the culture of Belgrade as well. The CEEPUS exchange was a good experience, the host faculty was welcoming and I’m very satisfied with what I learned during my stay.

BSc. student Bruno Šuvalić