There are 19 faculties from 11 countries which are participating units of our network.
No/Abb. | Participating unit | Local links |
1. BEL | Belgrade University (Serbia), Faculty of Mining and Geology, Division of Geology, (coordinator) | |
2. TIR | Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania), Faculty of Geology and Mining | |
3. VIE | University of Vienna (Austria), Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy | |
4. IBK | University of Innsbruck (Austria), Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences | |
5. SBG | Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (Austria), Department of Environment and Biodiversity | |
6. LEO | University of Leoben – Montanuniversität (Austria), Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics | |
7. TUZ | University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering | |
8. BRN | Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic), Department of Geological Sciences | |
9. ZAG 1 | University of Zagreb (Croatia), Faculty of Science (FoS) | |
10. ZAG 2 | University of Zagreb (Croatia), Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering (FoMGPE) | |
11. BUD | Eötvös Lorand University Budapest (Hungary), Institute of Geology | |
12. SOS | University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), Branch Sosnowiec, Institute of Earth Sciences | |
13. CRA | Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland), Institute of Geological Sciences | |
14. WRO | University of Wroclaw (Poland), Institute of Geological Sciences | |
15. CLU | Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Department of Mineralogy | |
16. IAS | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), Department Geology and Geochemistry | |
17. LJU | University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology | |
18. BRA | Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), Department of Mineralogy and Petrology | |
19. KOS | Technical University in Košice (Slovakia), Institute of Geosciences | |
Belgrade: Basic and applied mineralogy and petrology, Mineral deposits, Geochemistry, Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Geotechnics, Archaeometry;
Tirana: Mineralogy, Petrology, Sedimentology, Sedimentary Petrography, Stratigraphy, Mineral deposits, Geophysics, Environmental geology;
Vienna: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Environmental and applied geosciences, Structural geology, Experimental petrology, Mineralogy, Geochronology, Geophysics, Anthropocene and Sustainable geology;
Innsbruck: Regional geology, Sedimentology, Quaternary geology, Palaeoenviromental research, Modern field work techniques and mapping, Geophysics;
Salzburg: Hydrogeology, Quaternary geology, Structural geology, Geochronology, Archaeometry;
Leoben: Mineral deposits, Petroleum geology, Geo-energy, Engineering geology, Geophysics;
Tuzla: Regional geology, Mineralogy and petrology, Hydrogeology, Engineering geology, Mineral deposits, Geomechanics, Geotechnics;
Brno: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Environmental geology;
Zagreb 1 (Faculty of Science): Sedimentology, Geochemistry, Mineral deposits;
Zagreb 2 (Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering): Mineral deposits, Petroleum geology, Environmental geology, Hydrogeology, Geological engineering, Geophysics;
Budapest: Sedimentology, Geophysics, Structural geology, Hydrogeology, Archaeometry;
Sosnowiec: Mineralogy, Petrology. Environmental geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Hydrogeology; Sedimentology, Structural geology, Palaeontology, Dendrochronology;
Cracow: Sedimentology, Micropaleontology, Mineral deposits, Geodynamics, Applied mineralogy; Geochemistry, Clay minerals, Earth Sciences in a Changing World – interdisciplinary programme on Anthropocene;
Wroclaw: Stratigraphy, Structural geology, Geochemistry, Archaeometry, Hydrogeology, Environmental geology;
Cluj: Mineralogy, Ophiolites, Stratigraphy, Micropalaeontology, Archaeometry;
Iasi: Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Planetary geology, Environmental geology;
Ljubljana: Sedimentology, Structural geology, Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology, Archaeometry;
Bratislava: Sedimentology, Structural geology, Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology, Engineering geology, Geophysics;
Košice: Sedimentology, Structural geology, Mineral deposits, Hydrogeology, Geophysics.