Incoming activity to BUD: BSc student Aleksandar Tričković from Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade University (Serbia)

During one-month CEEPUS exchange in Budapest, I worked at the Geological department on ELTE university. I attended sedimentology practice course where I participated in lectures about sedimentary structures. Professor Stano was kind to involve me in university field course with an emphasis on siliciclastics, carbonates and structural geology. During those three days in Bukk national park I had the opportunity to see how students from other country solve geological problems in the field. Also, I went with professor Stano to do obsetvation, mapping and describe the drilling cores. Beside the practical work, I also had a pleasure to meet various geologists from the museum and industry. Finally, the Hydrogeological department was kind to show me some caves that are residing on Buda side of the city. It was nice to see tunnels and wells that are drilled for the purpose of supplying the spas of Budapest with thermal waters.

The CEEPUS exchange was a good experience that gave me a chance to expand my knowledge in geology overall, but also to meet many different people and culture.

BSc student Aleksandar Tričković