Something completely new within EURO Geo-Sci network: An invitation of University of Wroclaw to all our CEEPUS units to a Scientific Webinar

Our local coordinator. Prof. Adriana Trojanowska-Olichwer from University of Wroclaw invites all our students and teachers to join a Scientific Webinar entitled „What zircon trace elements vs isotopic signatures can tell about processes leading to formation of voluminous silicic volcanism” (authors: Słodczyk Elżbieta, Przybyło Arkadiusz, Pietranik Anna, Lukács Réka),
which will be held on Friday, March 3rd , 2023, at 12:00 h
in the TEAMS application:

The lecture concerns topics that will be developed, among others, as a part of cooperation within CEEPUS next months. The webinar is open to anyone interested, so please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues and/or students.

Rules for participating in the webinar:

  1. We connect no later than 5 minutes before the start of the meeting.
  2. During the presentation, the microphones and cameras of the participants (except the speaker) should be turned off.
  3. Questions can be asked after the presentation, which should be signalled by raising a virtual hand. After the moderator gives the floor, turn on the microphone and camera and ask a question.


Dr. Adriana Trojanowska-Olichwer
February 28, 2023