It is a great pleasure to announce that school year 2021/’22 has very successful ending. We celebrated defenses of two PhD theses of Dr. Tim Cifer from Ljubljana (the thesis title: “Taxonomy, paleoecology and paleobiogeography of Early Jurassic Radiolaria of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria”, supervised by Dr. Špela Goričan from Ljubljana, and Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Gawlick from Leoben), and Ales Vrsic from Leoben (the thesis title: “Palaeogene carbonate platform evolution in the Sirt Basin”, supervised by Dr. Hans-Jürgen Gawlick from Leoben, and Dr. Elzbieta Machaniec from Cracow. Also, Msc. Richárd Albrecht defended his master thesis entitled: “Calpionellid and Radiolarian stratigraphy of the upper Jurassic – lower Cretaceous sequence of the Mecsek Mountains, Hungary” (supervised by Ass. Prof. László Bujtor from Pécs and Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Gawlick from Leoben).
We congratulate to Dr. Tim Cifer, Dr. Ales Vrsic and MSc. Richárd Albrecht, wishing them successful careers and thanking them for being a part of the EURO Geo-Sci.